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Maxscape History

The story of Maxscape began 1992. It was the time of ISDN, Teletext, CompuServ and the Internet was almost unknown to the public. My first idea was to setup a telefon relais station, so that people can dial into the server to connect to each other. Fortunatly, I had a collegue how suggested to build that station using Internet technologies. Therefor it was simple to connect the server software to the Internet, when the time had come to do so.

Release 0.01

Release 0.01 was really beta, nevertheless it implemented the basic ideas and features and was successfully applied to an Internet database project in 1996. It was the first release combining an HTTPD, a database and the PERL interpreter on an NT operating system.

Release 1.00

The release 1.00 code base was originated November 1996 from scratch, using the experience and experimental scripts also collected in several projects since summer 1995. It was inspired by the upcoming Internet technology, the problems involved with dynamic websites and large scale software development, and the opportunities of the new medium, like one-to-one communication on the fly. It was the first release based on the NCSA HTTPD, the MSQL or the Oracle database and the PERL programming language,

Release 1.00/2.00 were successfully running from 1997 until 2000 on several costumer sites (e.g. Vereinsbank Internet Server, T-Data Intranet Server, ...). This release showed the speed, robustness and stability of the basic components and the Maxscape kernel library.

Release 2.00

With Maxscape 2.00, released in December 1998 a step to a more 'generic' web server environment was done. The distribution solved a lot problems, especially in respect to installation issues, but still important features were missing. This release was build on the Apache HTTPD, the MSQL or the Oracle database and the PERL programming Language.

Release 3.00

Maxscape 3.00 started in may 1999. As the HTTPD the Apache was used and the default database became MYSQL. A standardized directory structure for the application servers and the runtime and development software was implemented. Many new features were added to the browser based administration surface, as well as to the application programming interface. This release was running on the Vereinsbank website till winter 2001.

Release 3.35

In 2000 I decided to quit all customer relations and to stop selling Maxscape for several reasons. Anyway, I am developing Maxscape till today.

At that time I was facinated by the idea of a profile community website, now known as social media. One does not need to have too much imagination, as the first step was the invention of the (personal) computer, the next to connect these computers via the Internet and finally to connect the computer users comfortably.

Release 4.00

With the release 4.00 (2016-2017) the base platform was updated and many new features, like an adapted Content Manger for anonymous users, were added.

Release 5.00

Release 5.00 (2020-2021) implements a quite complex, but usable version of the Maxscape Webserver Framework.

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